What Are the Best Ergonomic Practices to Reduce Eye Strain for Computer Users?

Whether you’re a professional working remotely, a diligent student, or simply someone who enjoys browsing the web during your spare time, you’re likely spending a considerable amount of time in front of your computer. Staring at a digital screen for extended periods, especially without breaks, can lead to a widespread health issue known as computer vision syndrome (CVS) or digital eye strain. The main symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck or shoulder pain. To help you combat these issues, we will delve into the best ergonomic practices that can reduce eye strain.

Understanding the Effects of Screen Time on Your Eyes

First, it’s vital to comprehend how excessive screen time can affect your eyes. When you continuously focus on your computer monitor, your eyes need to work harder than usual. Prolonged exposure to screen light, particularly blue light, which is emitted by all digital devices, can cause discomfort and strain to your eyes.

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Blue light has shorter wavelengths and more energy compared to other colors. This can make it harder for your eyes to focus, leading to eye strain. Moreover, studies have indicated that prolonged exposure to blue light may lead to damaged retinal cells, which could lead to vision problems like age-related macular degeneration.

Your eyes can also become dry and irritated from not blinking as often. This happens because when you work at a computer, your blink rate can reduce by up to 50%, lessening the distribution of your natural eye lubricant, tears.

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Importance of Correct Monitor Placement and Lighting

The position of your monitor and the lighting in your workspace play a significant role in minimizing visual discomfort. It is recommended that the computer screen be positioned about an arm’s length away from your eyes and the top of the screen be at or slightly below eye level. This helps reduce strain on your neck and eyes.

Furthermore, the monitor should be placed so that windows and other light sources do not create glare on the screen. Glare and reflections can cause you to squint and strain your eyes. If you can’t adjust the position of your screen to prevent glare, consider installing an anti-glare screen on your monitor.

Room lighting should also be carefully considered. The room should be well-lit, but avoid creating a stark contrast between the brightness of your monitor and the surrounding light. An overly bright or dim workspace forces your eyes to work harder, thereby increasing the likelihood of eye strain.

Regular Breaks and Eye Exercises

Integrating regular breaks into your screen time can greatly alleviate eye strain. The 20-20-20 rule, recommended by eye health professionals, is a simple yet effective method to reduce eye fatigue. It suggests that every 20 minutes, you should take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

Additionally, you can perform simple eye exercises during these breaks. For instance, blinking deliberately helps moisten your eyes, preventing dryness and irritation. Eye rolling—looking up, down, and side-to-side—can give your eye muscles a quick break from the incessant focus demanded by screens.

Importance of Using Computer Glasses

Computer glasses are specially designed to optimize your eyesight when you’re viewing a computer screen. They reduce your eyes’ exposure to blue light and can help decrease potential damage to your retina. They also can help reduce glare, which is another common cause of eye strain.

Even if you don’t need prescription glasses for daily activities, computer glasses should be considered if you’re spending long periods in front of a screen. Computer glasses are available in prescription and non-prescription forms. It’s best to consult with an eye care specialist to determine what would be the most suitable option for you.

Proper Workspace Ergonomics

The way your workspace is set up can have a substantial impact on your visual health. Ergonomics, the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment, can be a crucial element in reducing eye strain and promoting overall health.

A well-structured workspace should include a comfortable, supportive chair that encourages good posture. Additionally, the screen should be at eye level so you’re not looking down or up for extended periods, which can strain your neck. Your keyboard should be placed so your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, which is the most natural position.

Protecting your eyes from the strain and discomfort associated with extended computer use involves a combination of understanding the risks, appropriate workstation setup, adopting beneficial habits, and possibly using computer glasses. By practicing these ergonomic strategies, you can promote better visual health and boost productivity in your digital life.

Adjusting Screen Settings for Optimal Eye Comfort

Your computer screen settings can also significantly impact your eye comfort and overall eye health. Many people overlook this aspect, but adjusting your brightness, text size, contrast, and color temperature can help reduce eye strain.

The brightness of your screen should be adjusted to match the lighting in your surrounding environment. If the screen seems like a light source in the room or appears dull and grey, it is too bright or too dim, respectively.

Next, ensure the text size and contrast are set optimally for your comfort. If you’re squinting or leaning in to read the text, the chances are that it’s too small. Increasing the text size can help reduce this strain. Likewise, contrast, which is the difference between the text and background, should be set to a comfortable level. High contrast can help lessen eye strain.

Lastly, consider the color temperature of your screen. Blue light, emitted from digital devices, is associated with eye strain. Most devices now offer settings to reduce blue light by shifting the color temperature of your screen to the warmer part of the spectrum, especially during evening hours. This is often referred to as ‘night mode’ or ‘reading mode’.

Eye Care beyond the Computer

While computer ergonomics is crucial in minimizing digital eye strain, it’s also important to remember eye care in other aspects of your life. Regular eye examinations, appropriate sun protection, and a healthy lifestyle are equally important in maintaining good eye health.

Regular eye examinations allow eye care professionals to detect early signs of eye stress or diseases before they become severe. It is recommended to have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years, depending on your age, risk factors, and whether you currently wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Meanwhile, remember to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Whenever you’re outside during daylight hours, wear sunglasses that block 100% of both UVA and UVB rays.

Lastly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can substantially improve your eye health. This includes consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables—especially those high in vitamins A and C that are good for the eyes—and staying physically active. Furthermore, smoking has been linked with an increased risk of developing several eye conditions, so avoiding smoking or quitting if you smoke is vital for eye health.


In the modern digital world, eye strain from computer use has become an increasingly prevalent health concern. However, by understanding how screen time impacts your eyes and implementing the best ergonomic practices, you can help mitigate the risks associated with computer vision syndrome.

From adjusting your screen settings and workspace ergonomics to incorporating regular breaks and eye exercises, every modification contributes to reducing eye fatigue. Moreover, considering the use of computer glasses and maintaining overall eye health are equally important.

By practicing these ergonomic strategies and maintaining a focus on overall eye care, you can significantly reduce eye discomfort, boost productivity, and lead a healthier digital life. Remember, your eyes are your windows to the world—take good care of them.